Friday, July 07, 2006

Compliment From Across The Building

A co-worker from the other side of the building said something to me in an e-mail yesterday that, on the one hand, I enjoyed hearing but, on the other hand, made me wonder why I am this way.

She said, "You seem the type to create molds, not fill them."

I've always kind of known this about myself and I admit that most days it is something that I enjoy about the way I am made. It is also painful at times. Those who create molds rather than filling them are often looked upon as unorthodox, sometimes even rebellious. All around are voices saying,

"Why don't you just walk in line with everybody else and do things the way they've always been done."

Living this way would be easier in some ways. I'd have a lot more company on the journey. There are a lot more pieces of pottery in the world than there are potters.

But if I were to follow that advice and simply fill the molds created for me by others, I would slowly and painfully die inside and spend the rest of my days as nothing more than a mass of oxygen consuming flesh. It would be the suicide of the nature that God has given me.


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