Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Updates From Home

Every day I check the blog from the church we planted in Illinois to hear the stories of how God is continuing the work we began. This morning I logged in to see pictures of the move into their new building. God is faithful! He has provided them with a new facility RENT FREE nearer to the university campus. I can't wait to hear the stories from this new chapter in the life of the church.

It's been wonderful over the months since our departure to see how smoothly the pastoral transition has gone and to see how God is bringing new people into the congregation. One of the most exciting things for me to watch from a distance is how God is moving in the hearts of several youth from a substance abuse recovery group home.

One of the greatest indicators of God's presence in a church plant is the way in which it continues after the founding pastor has moved on. It's a good feeling to see that the church wasn't built on one man, but built on the foundation of the ever-present God.

I love you Prairie folks!! Congratulations on your move.


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